Anthony nicastro
I am a husband and father to three young boys. As a fiscal conservative, I believe spending is out of control and we created an economic system that de-emphasizes hard work. Current politicians have created a financial abyss and to make matters worse, they created policies and programs that incentivize unemployment or underemployment. Liberals attempt to cancel trillions of dollars in student loan debt was the final straw. I could not sit on the sidelines anymore.
Montana is in a great position, but we could be better. As a lawyer and business owner, I have seen firsthand how our judicial system is abused. This causes businesses to suffer and it wastes taxpayer money.
As a member of the State Legislature, my pledge from Day 1 is to introduce bills that help our local businesses by reforming our legal system.
Crime is on the rise in Billings. I worked 6 years as a prosecutor. Crime is something you fight, not treat. We can’t find leaders with the guts to secure our border causing drugs, gangs and human trafficking to flood our State. We have no choice but to get tough and fight crime on a local level. If we reform our legal system and give the judges the tools to be tough on criminals, we can finally once again feel safe in our community.

Meet Anthony Nicastro
A dedicated advocate, community leader, and problem-solver with a passion for serving his State House District.
His campaign is dedicated to finding practical solutions to these challenges. Find out more about his vision and actions!
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Latest News
Panel discussion on Crime
Thank you Rep Central Committee for putting together this great panel to discuss crime. My experience as a prosecutor for 6 years, we need to fight crime, not treat it.
Meet and Greet at the Red Door
Amazing turnout. Great questions about schools and a huge concern about crime in Billings.
Meet and Greet
November 8th at the Red Door 5:30pm – 7:30pm